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Trio Concert in Prague

執筆者の写真: The Shakuhachi 5The Shakuhachi 5


 The Shakuhachi 5「浮世絵プロジェクト」が2年目を迎え、いよいよ国外での調査が始まります。先ず初めの目的地は、ヨーロッパの美しい町並みが残る古都、プラハ。プラハ国立美術館に収蔵される浮世絵の調査と、現地作曲家・アーチストとの新作打ち合わせ。そして、トリオコンサートによる尺八音楽の紹介と、滞在は短くも盛りだくさんの内容です。

 コンサート前半には、Annabelle Plum & Žaneta Vítováの演奏もあり、また、 Marek Kimei Matvija氏もそのDuoにゲスト出演します。今回の調査/公演は、小濱・川村・黒田のトリオ。現地からの様子はSNS等で発信いたしますので、そちらも楽しみにしていてください!

[Title] ZEN Elements: Japanese and contemporary music [Date] Wed, 26/06/2024, 19:30 [Venue] New Town Hall – Grand Hall (Karlovo náměstí 23, Prague) [Ticket] CZK 300–350 [Performing artists] Akihito Obama (shakuhachi) Kizan Kawamura (shakuhachi) Reison Kuroda (shakuhachi) Annabelle Plum (voice) Žaneta Vítová (accordion) Guest : Marek Kimei Matvija (shakuhachi)

[Comment]  Akihito Obama, Kizan Kawamura and Reison Kuroda are part of the Japanese ensemble The Shakuhachi 5.They play Japanese contemporary and sacred music on shakuhachi bamboo flutes. Each is a leading exponent of a different traditional, generations-long, lineage. Together they are dedicated to new music and the search for contemporary musical expression.

 A programme featuring Japanese composers of the 20th and 21st centuries and the musical tradition of komuso monks based on Zen Buddhism will be performed at Prague's New Town Hall.

 The concert will be accompanied by the Czech duo Annabelle Plum & Žaneta Vítová. Their musical expression combines free-jazz spontaneity with poetic intimacy and minimalism. Their work thus revives and updates the Zen aesthetics of experiencing the present moment. The Czech shakuhachi master Marek Kimei Matvija will perform with them as a guest.  The concert is organized by NEIRO Association for Expanding Arts (organizer of the International Shakuhachi Festival Prague) in cooperation with the Arts Council Tokyo and the New Town Hall, with the support of the Ministry of Culture Czech Republic, the State Cultural Fund of the Czech Republic and the City of Prague.



記事: Blog2_Post

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